Delete a SharePoint list Field(Column) using PowerShell Hello folks, The following is a code snippet from PowerShell to completely remove or delete a field in a SharePoint list. The code uses the GUID to find the field (column). I tested this with SharePoint 2013. Approch #1 #Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") Get-PSSnapin –Registered Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell #Variables $SiteURL="xxxxxxxxx" $ListName="News" $ColumnName="WikiPlus" #Get Internal Name of the columns $web = Get-SPWeb $SiteURL #Get the list $list = $web.Lists.TryGetList($ListName) if($List -ne $null) { #Get the column $column = $list.Fields[$ColumnName] if($column -ne $null) { #Reset column properties to allow delete ...
Office 365, Azure, SharePoint, Powershell, Teams, PnP, SpFx and Microsoft Power Platform