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CODE : JavaScript Small Calendar Web part Part

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/sites/SPOTest2/jQCalendarPart/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
<script src="/sites/SPOTest2/jQCalendarPart/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/sites/SPOTest2/jQCalendarPart/jquery-ui.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/sites/SPOTest2/jQCalendarPart/jquery.SPServices-0.7.2.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var today = new Date();
var currDate = new Date();
var liHtml;
var calliHtml;
var itemURL;
var eventDuration;
var date;
var currentDate = null;
var currWeekDate = null;
var datetext;
var calendarDate;
var siteRelUrl = L_Menu_BaseUrl;
var currentTime;
var hours;
var minutes;
var lastday;
var isNextMnth;
var camlFields;
var camlQuery;
var camlOptions;
var formattedTime;
var i;
var calendarListItems;
var listName = "Calendar";


var _updateDatepicker_o = $.datepicker._updateDatepicker;
$.datepicker._updateDatepicker = function(inst)
_updateDatepicker_o.apply(this, [inst]);

getCalendarData(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate());

function getCalendarData(year, month, date)
calendarDate = year + "-" + month + "-1";

camlFields = "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Title' /><FieldRef Name='EventDate' /><FieldRef Name='EndDate' /><FieldRef Name='Location' /><FieldRef Name='Description' /><FieldRef Name='fRecurrence' /><FieldRef Name='RecurrenceData' /><FieldRef Name='RecurrenceID' /><FieldRef Name='fAllDayEvent' /></ViewFields>";
camlQuery = "<Query><CalendarDate>" + calendarDate + "</CalendarDate><Where><DateRangesOverlap><FieldRef Name='EventDate' /><FieldRef Name='EndDate' /><FieldRef Name='RecurrenceID' /><Value Type='DateTime'>Month</Value></DateRangesOverlap></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='EventDate' /></OrderBy></Query>";
camlOptions = "<QueryOptions><CalendarDate>" + calendarDate + "</CalendarDate><RecurrencePatternXMLVersion>v3</RecurrencePatternXMLVersion><ExpandRecurrence>TRUE</ExpandRecurrence><DateInUtc>TRUE</DateInUtc></QueryOptions>";

operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
listName: listName,
CAMLViewFields: camlFields,
CAMLQuery: camlQuery,
CAMLQueryOptions: camlOptions,
completefunc: applyCalendarData

function applyCalendarData(xData, status)
calendarListItems = xData;

function processResult()
lastday = new Date();
currentDate = null;
i = 7 - (currDate.getDay() + 1);
lastday.setDate(lastday.getDate() + i);

date = new Date($(this).attr("ows_EventDate").substring(0, 4), $(this).attr("ows_EventDate").substring(5, 7) - 1, $(this).attr("ows_EventDate").substring(8, 10), $(this).attr("ows_EventDate").substring(11, 13), $(this).attr("ows_EventDate").substring(14, 16), $(this).attr("ows_EventDate").substring(17, 19));

itemURL = siteRelUrl + "/Lists/Calendar/DispForm.aspx?ID=" + $(this).attr("ows_ID");

if ($(this).attr("ows_fAllDayEvent") == '1')
eventDuration = "(All day event)";
eventDuration = '(' + getFormattedTime($(this).attr("ows_EventDate")) + ' - ' + getFormattedTime($(this).attr("ows_EndDate")) + ')';

$('.ui-datepicker-calendar a')
return $(this).text() == date.getDate() &&
$(this).parent('td').attr("data-year") == date.getFullYear() &&
$(this).parent('td').attr("data-month") == date.getMonth();
}).css("border", "2px solid #2989d1");

if($('.ui-datepicker-calendar a').first().parent('td').attr("data-year") == date.getFullYear() && $('.ui-datepicker-calendar a').first().parent('td').attr("data-month") == date.getMonth()){
//Creating popup for the very first list item
if (currentDate == null)
CreatePopUp(date, eventDuration, itemURL, $(this).attr("ows_Title"));

//Creating popup for the next set of list items that have different event date
else if (date.getDate() != currentDate.getDate())
CreatePopUp(date, eventDuration, itemURL, $(this).attr("ows_Title"));
//Adding LIs to the same set of list items that have the same event date
else if (date.getDate() == currentDate.getDate())
calliHtml = '<li class="divCalendarLI"><a class="anchCalLi" href="' + itemURL + '">' + $(this).attr("ows_Title") + '</a> ' + eventDuration + '</li>';
$("#" + date.getDate() + "_eventPopUp" + " .divCalendarUL").append(calliHtml);
currentDate = date;

function CreatePopUp(eventDate, eventDuration, itemURL, title)

if ($("#" + eventDate.getDate() + "_eventPopUp").html() != null)
$("#" + eventDate.getDate() + "_eventPopUp").empty();

$('.ui-datepicker-calendar a')
return $(this).text() == eventDate.getDate() &&
$(this).parent('td').attr("data-year") == eventDate.getFullYear() &&
$(this).parent('td').attr("data-month") == eventDate.getMonth();
}).parent('td').append("<div class='eventPopUpDiv' id='" + eventDate.getDate() + "_eventPopUp' style='display:none'></div> ");

$('.ui-datepicker-calendar a')
return $(this).text() == eventDate.getDate() &&
$(this).parent('td').attr("data-year") == eventDate.getFullYear() &&
$(this).parent('td').attr("data-month") == eventDate.getMonth();
document.getElementById($(this).find('a').first().text() + "_eventPopUp").style.display = "inline";

$('.ui-datepicker-calendar a')
return $(this).text() == eventDate.getDate() &&
$(this).parent('td').attr("data-year") == eventDate.getFullYear() &&
$(this).parent('td').attr("data-month") == eventDate.getMonth();
document.getElementById($(this).find('a').first().text() + "_eventPopUp").style.display = "none";

calliHtml = '<li class="divCalendarLI"><a class="anchCalLi" href="' + itemURL + '">' + title + '</a> ' + eventDuration + '</li>';
$("#" + eventDate.getDate() + "_eventPopUp").append("<h3 class='calHead'>" + eventDate.toLocaleDateString() + "</h3 >");
$("#" + eventDate.getDate() + "_eventPopUp").append("<ul class = 'divCalendarUL'>");
$("#" + eventDate.getDate() + "_eventPopUp" + " .divCalendarUL").append(calliHtml);

function getFormattedTime(eventDate)
currentTime = new Date(eventDate.substring(0, 4), eventDate.substring(5, 7) - 1, eventDate.substring(8, 10), eventDate.substring(11, 13), eventDate.substring(14, 16), eventDate.substring(17, 19));
hours = currentTime.getHours();
minutes = currentTime.getMinutes();
if (minutes < 10)
minutes = "0" + minutes;
if (hours > 11)
if (hours > 12)
return (hours - 12) + ":" + minutes + " " + "PM";
return hours + ":" + minutes + " " + "PM";
return hours + ":" + minutes + " " + "AM";


<div class="divDatePicker"></div>

<style type="text/css">
.eventPopUpDiv {
Z-INDEX: 9002;
BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid;
POSITION: absolute;
BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid;
BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid;
BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid

.CalendarLI {

.divCalendarLI {

.calHead {
FONT-SIZE: 8pt !important;
FONT-WEIGHT: bold !important

.anchCalLi {
TEXT-ALIGN: left !important;

.anchCalLi:hover {
BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;
FONT-WEIGHT: normal !important

.anchCalLi:visited {
text-decoration: none;
color: rgb(0, 114, 188) !important;

.ui-state-default:visited {
text-decoration: none;
color: rgb(0, 114, 188) !important;
.ui-widget-header .ui-icon {
 background-image: url("/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png);

Instruction : Please copy this code save as JS file and call in contents editor web part 


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