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Solve Missing user profile picture in SharePoint 2019

Dear All, 

Below is the Powershell script that will help you solve broken profile picture issue.

$mySiteNewHostURL = "http://NewMySiteHostURL" 
$mySiteOldHostURL = "http://OldMySiteHostURL" 
$mySite = Get-SPSite $mySiteNewHostUrl 
$SPServiceContext = Get-SPServiceContext $mySite 

$userProfileManager = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($SPServiceContext) 
$userProfiles = $userProfileManager.GetEnumerator() 
foreach ($userProfile in $userProfiles) 


  #check if the picture property contain image URL, then replace it with new my site host URL

  if ($userProfile["PictureURL"] -ne '') 

    $oldImageUrl = $userProfile["PictureURL"].toString() 
    $newImageUrl = $oldImageUrl -Replace $mySiteOldHostURL, $mySiteNewHostURL
    write-host "Old Image Link = " $oldImageUrl " --> New Image Link = " $newImageUrl 
    $userProfile["PictureURL"].Value = $newImageUrl 


Please start Full syn or incremental profile crawl 


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